ATM Banking
24-hour access to your money. Use your Addis card at any PSS network locations.

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POS Banking
Keeping your business up-to-date with today’s modern technology and efficiency.

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Mobile Banking
You can do basic banking transactions from your mobile phone anywhere anytime.

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Internet Banking
Monitor and transact your bank account online through our Internet Banking service.

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Deposit Products
Our Deposit Products are designed to provide flexibility and convenience for our customers

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Credit Products
Our lending service gives you quick and convenient access to cash that you will need for your business.

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International Banking
We have a wide range of services to meet the ever growing demands of traders.

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Money Transfer
Fast and easy money transfer, locally. Partners with the world’s most popular money transfer services.

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የባንኩ የባለአክሲዮኖች 12ኛ መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባዔ

የባንኩ የባለአክሲዮኖች 12ኛ መደበኛ ጠቅላላ ጉባዔ ሕዳር 27 ቀን 2016 ዓ.ም በአዲስ አበባ ሚሊኒየም አዳራሽ በተሳካ ሁኔታ አካሂዷል::
አዲስ ኢንተርናሽናል ባንክ አ.ማ በተጠናቀቀው የሂሳብ ዓመት 1.7 ቢሊዮን ብር ገቢማስመዝገቡን ገለፀ on 09 Dec 2023
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Currency Buying Selling Currency Buying Selling USD 119.7295

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130.8284 133.4450
GBP 156.3427 159.4696 GBP 146.8920 149.8298
USD 119.7295 122.1241 USD 119.7295 122.1241
CHF 138.7042 141.4783
JPY 0.8023 0.8183
Rate Date 15 OCT 2024

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Jomo Kenyatta St.

Zequala Complex Bldg.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



P.O.Box: 2455