5yr5th Anniversary of Addis International Bank S.C. and the first staff Day of the Bank were celebrated on May 28, 2016 In Sululta town at Yaya village, Hawasa, Bahirdar, Mekele, Dessie and Metemma towns. The Board of Directors, the management and employees of the city branches all attended the celebration at Yaya village. The ceremony was officially opened by the Board chairperson Ato  Hailemelekot T/Georgis invited by  the President of the Bank, Ato Hailu Alemu after a brief opening remarks. The known sport icon athlete Haile Gebresellase congratulated the bank for its 5th year anniversary and shared some of his customary relaxing comedies which sparked laughter and relaxation across the audience. The artists that were employed for the occasion overwhelmingly aired different music, jokes and the likes that helped to create relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. All the employees and management of the bank decorated with the yellow T-shirt and blue colored cape, the Bank’s logo on it, created colorful events all around the green area floated under the foot of the many Entoto mountains that equally seem to signal their congratulating remarks through the waving trees all around the area!.

The ceremony was full of colorful and participatory activities. Sports, question and answer and poems were areas in which several friendly competitions were held upon. Staffs by Departments, women employees in groups, carefully selected employees with poems, all fiercely competed to win the prizes prepared for the occasion. This has created and captured joyful movements and attentions from all coroner of the ceremony venue.

Side by side with the cerebration important points were underlined by the Board Chairperson and the President of the bank while addressing the audience. At the end the idea that committed and motivated staff is the sole and strong point our bank depends upon to overcome the ever challenging environment and meet the strategic targets set for the bank was shared vibrantly by all the participants.

The ceremony was officially closed by the President of the bank with all the good wishes to all!!!


See you next year!!!