Ato Dagnew Gessesse. Director

He was elected as a Board of Director by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders that took place on November 23, 2019.

Qualification/Education History He holds an MA degree in Economics and a BA in Business Administration.
He has participated in many local and international training programmes related to organizing and managing of savings & cooperative association and microfinance institutions.

Work Experiences He has worked as Director of Corporate Planning & Business Development Department, Addis International Bank S.C.; General Manager of the Saving & Credit Cooperative Union of Addis Ababa; General Manager and Operations Manager of Specialized Financial Promotional Institute (SFPI); Operations Manager and Senior Branch Manager of Africa Village Financial Services S.C. and Faulu/Ethiopia Microfinance Institution; Micro Enterprise Development Officer and Coordinator of micro Enterprise Development programmes for South Ethiopia in World Vision Ethiopia; etc.
He has contributed a lot of feasibility studies and research papers related to cooperative associations; microfinance institutions and micro economic enterprises.
He has served as a member of steering committees and coordinator for the formation, organization and management of a number of savings & credit cooperatives and microfinance institutions. He was one of the organizers of Addis International Bank S.C.