S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 Account to own account Free
2 Account to other person account within the bank Free
3 Account to other bank transfer(P2P) both self and other 0.5 and Max of birr 100
4 Balance inquiry Free
5 Mini statement Free
6 Full statement (order via email) Free
7 Loan repayment Free
8 Loan statement Free
9 Air ticket Free
10 Air time Top-Up ETHIO telecom Free
11 Air time Top-Up Safaricom Free
12 Account to M-pesa-self Free
13 Account to M-pesa-other Free
14 Account to Tele birr-self Free
15 Account to Tele birr-other Free
16 Utility payment Free
17 Traffic penalty payment Free
18 DSTV payment Free
19 CANAL+ payment Free
20 Ride Free


S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 Joining fee Birr 50
2 Annual subscription fee Free
3 Renewal fee Free
4 Pin replacement fee Birr 50
5 Card replacement Birr 50
6 Additional card link Free
7 Cancellation fee Free
8 Supplementary card issuing Birr 50

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 ON-US cash withdrawal Birr 0.4 per birr 100
2 ON-US balance inquiry Birr 0.5 per transaction
3 ON-US mini statement Birr 0.5 per transaction
4 ON-US fund transfer Birr 0.5 per transaction
5 ON-US money send (remittance) Birr 0.5 per birr 100


S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 OFF-US cash withdrawal Birr 0.5 per birr 100
2 OFF-US balance inquiry Birr 1 per transaction
3 OFF-US mini statement Birr 1 per transaction
4 OFF-US fund transfer Birr 0.5 per birr 100


5 OFF-US money send (remittance) Birr 0.5 per birr 100


S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 For account holder Birr 150
2 For non-account holder Birr 200
3 Service charge on loss of CPO (A/holders) Birr 200
4 Service charge on loss of CPO (non A/holders) Birr 300
5 Service charge on cancelation of CPO (A/holders) Birr 150
6 Service charge on cancelation of CPO (non A/holders) Birr 200
7 Service charge on replacement of CPO (A/holders) Birr 150
8 Service charge on replacement of CPO (non A/holders) Birr 200

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 1St instance In addition of 1st warning a penalty of birr 300
2 2nd instance 2nd written warning plus penalty of 3% the value cheque but not exceeding birr 25000
3 3rd instance Close the account plus 5% of the cheque amount but not exceeding birr 50000 and report to NBE

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 10 leaves Prevailing printing cost plus 50
2 25 leaves Prevailing printing cost plus 100
3 50 leaves Prevailing printing cost plus 150
4 100 leaves Prevailing printing cost plus 200

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 Special cheque clearance Birr 200

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 Cheque draft etc.. Birr 150 per leaf if more one leaf
2 Loss of cheque more than one leaf Birr 10 for each additional leaf

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 Duplicate advice for per page for current year Birr 50
2 Duplicate advice per page over one year Birr 100
3 Prepare duplicate statement (per page) Birr 25

S/No Types of Services Service Charges and fees
1 Service charge on replacing loss of pass book Printing cost of plus birr 50
2 Service charge on S/A close before six month from the date opening Birr 50
3 Service charge on damaged pass book Printing cost plus 100
4 Standing instruction except loan repayment Birr 50
5 Provident fund administration Free
6 Salary (payroll) payment Free
7 Photocopy Birr 10
8 Balance enquiries Free
9 Balance confirmation and certification fee (for A/holders) Birr 200
10 Balance confirmation and certification fee for external auditor and other purpose Birr 300
11 Authentication fee (for power of attorney) Birr 200
12 Court and other related injection fee individual request to block/freeze by court order Birr 100
13 Account and amount verification for the deceased and any other similar case Birr 100
14 Signature change (individual account) Birr 50
15 Transfer from customer account to other bank through RTGS Birr 50 plus NBE charges. However, for cooperatives, unions, iddirs and other assocations it is only the NBE charge.
16 Door to door service to pay and collect cash (within same town) Free