Ato Teshome Kebede. Director

He was elected as a Board of Director by the Annual General Meeting of shareholders that took place on November 23, 2019.

Qualification/Education History He graduated with an Advanced Diploma in Accounting from the Addis Ababa Commercial College Bachelor of Business Management (BBA) from the Addis Ababa University.

He has participated in many training areas including International Marketing Skills; Strategic Industrial Development; AGOPA’s International Development; Making Markets for the Poor; etc.

He has a comprehensive expertise in human resource development; event organization and coordination; documentation, etc. networking and facilitating partnership...; and analytical and communication excellence. He has also immense international exposure.

Work Experiences His international employment track record shows that he was instrumental of restructuring and revamping Rwanda’s livestock and leather value chains and for putting forward his recommendation at a conference for representatives of donor countries and agencies. He was also Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) of the Agribusiness & Trade Expansion Programme in Ethiopia, funded by USAID and then Director of Value Chain Developments for the succeeding Agricultural Market Development. He has also worked with the DFID funded Enterprise Partners to design a project to develop for economic priority sectors such as livestock, leather, cotton, textile, etc